Time is passing quickly, as the curve of my recovery slows down a bit. There is still plenty of recovery available, it's just not as immediate now that I can walk around.
Spaciousness. Melissa and I are moving. It will be the first time that we have our own apartment for the 6 years that we've lived in Boston. (Our new address is 9 Spaulding St, #1 Jamaica Plain, MA 02130). My work is also moving - again to a much more spacious office. The extent to which we were piled on top of each other had passed a threshold of absurdity.
And the spaciousness of the outdoors. It has been good to get out. The hiking picture was from a 3 1/2 hour hike in the Blue Hills - a rocky tract of woods and rocky knobs about 8 miles outside of Boston. Yes, my leg hurt, but it wasn't so excruciating that I had to stop. That picture was about four weeks ago.
The climbing picture is from Rumney, NH. I was able to spend a day climbing with a friend. For those attuned to climbing grades, we climbed about 15 routes from 5.7 through 5.10. It wasn't a matter of not being able to do hard climbs so much as particular moves. There were just some motions that my foot and ankle didn't want to do, but on the whole it was immensely pleasurable to move over stone.
Melissa and I are heading to the Gunks this weekend - to climb with old friends. Then, it's off to Colorado for 2 weeks. This is a momentous journey. We'll stay with friends to whom we were introduced by a particular rock...friends who helped on the rescue. We also plan to do the climb on which my accident occurred. Actually, the accident didn't happen on the climb, but on the way down. We'll take a different descent route...
My leg continues to gain strength. I have been thinking this week about how miraculous the human body is. Sure, I have some limited range of motion, but this appendage that was dangling by a few sinews is now firmly attached and working! I deeply appreciate my biology and the healers who set up the conditions that would allow my tissues to mend. Showing the gruesome first night pictures to some co-workers, I'm renewed in my appreciation for being alive.
Get in touch with us! Let us know how you are! What spaciousness is opening up with the approaching summer?
It´s so good to see pictures of you hiking and climbing. Will you again be a ring leader at RMO this summer?!? I´m sad to not be returning to Colorado for work, but the rainy skies are clearing in Quito, and they reveal snow capped volcanoes that command attention!
Take Care, Be Well, Enjoy Breathing,
Time for another update, M&M!
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