Sunday, September 23, 2007

Pictures of the Rescue - September 1

I mentioned rescue pictures last night if anyone wants to see the
accident scene. I wanted to clarify that they are NOT graphic at all.
They are just interesting because you can see how rough the terrain
was and you can see what a skillful team it took to get Mark down.

There are several pictures from the accident posted at the following
website (thanks, Adam!)....

Mark and I have had the deepest sweetest good fortune to be in
correspondence with some of the people who were at the accident scene
almost immediately--folks not even on the official search and rescue
(SAR) team--who came to the scene and helped stabilize Mark and sat
with him, patiently, for close to 2 hours until the SAR team could get
to him, and who then assisted over the next 6 hours to get Mark down
safely. These photos from a rescuer, as well as kind and generous
dialogue over email and phone with this rescuer and others, have
helped us to continue to make meaning out of this craziness.

And, Mark is more energized today than yesterday. Little by little.
The flap is still booming and swishing which is exactly what we love
to hear when the docs come in to check.


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